Travel – Street Love Malaysia Beauty Blog with Diversify Beauty Topics Sun, 05 Nov 2017 12:21:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Travel – Street Love 32 32 39149592 Trippin’ with Clarins: Body Fit Anti-Cellulite Contouring Expert Press Launch Wed, 01 Mar 2017 01:37:42 +0000 Street Love
Street Love - Malaysia Beauty Blog with Diversify Beauty Topics

If you are a Youtube regular, you would know the term trippin with tarte by now. For the past one year, Tarte has been sending Youtubers and bloggers out for several trips to a beautiful island. Never crossed my mind that I am going to be transported to a beautiful seaside trip for 2 days 1 […]

The post Trippin’ with Clarins: Body Fit Anti-Cellulite Contouring Expert Press Launch appeared first on Street Love. by Fiona

Street Love
Street Love - Malaysia Beauty Blog with Diversify Beauty Topics

Clarins Body Fit Launch Media Trip 1
If you are a Youtube regular, you would know the term trippin with tarte by now. For the past one year, Tarte has been sending Youtubers and bloggers out for several trips to a beautiful island. Never crossed my mind that I am going to be transported to a beautiful seaside trip for 2 days 1 night as well.

Two weeks ago, Clarins sent me an invitation email. I glanced through and saw that they are launching the new Body Fit Anti-Cellulite Contouring Expert to replace the existing Body Lift Anti-Cellulite. I thought it is just any other launch until I saw the date – 22nd to 23rd February. Then I re-read the invitation only to find out it is a 2 days 1 night trip to Port Dickson. Silly me. I also thought that my usual partner in crime friends got it too. Until one by one of them told me they did not get the invite. I already RSVP-ed for another product launch which falls on the same day as well. But it does not took me long to say yes to this trip. Reason? They have fitness activity and it is a product that targets body slimming. I cannot say no to anything that spells FITNESS lol. And off I go!

I am one last minute packer. No exception this time. I knew how easily I can get distracted and pack for a month instead of a night so this time I took out a one-nighter bag and target to only fit everything that I could fit in the bag. That was easy! Except that I came home with three bags lol. Now, how is that possible. Beats me 😉

The place we stayed? This. Lexis Hibiscus Port Dickson. It is a 5-star beach resort with villa stretched out in the sea in a hibiscus flower shape. Amazing.

Clarins Body Fit Launch Media Trip 2
The meet-up point was Amoda building, which is Clarins Malaysia office. The bus was supposed to depart from Amoda at 10am and it was delayed to around 10.45am. We managed to reached PD in time for lunch and check-in. Everything was according to schedule.

I checked into my room after a quick lunch at the cafe lobby. Food was good but as usual, small eater like me only can eat a little bit. I was told to claim my bag from the lobby and take the buggy to the room. There I was, scratching my head thinking what buggy. Let me just tell you that I am not a travel blogger so I did not do any research on the place we are staying. I only googled for the product that was about to be launch, not the hotel LOL. Typical beauty blogger 😛 . This is where I regretted for not googling on the place we stayed. It is HUGE. Each of us were put in a room all by ourself. The room is so huge and spacious that I can even fit my whole family in. When it comes to hotel room, I am a typical Chinese. I am somewhat “pantang” with having two beds in a room. I was told that every room comes with two beds because there are no spare bed even if you request for it. So yeah. No choice lol.


Clarins Body Fit Launch Media Trip 3
Here are a quick glance of the room.

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I did an Instagram Stories room tour and I walked pass this see-through glass floor without me knowing. Freaky but cool at the same time.

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Each room comes with a private swimming pool. But not all room are facing the sea.

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There is even a sauna room!

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After a quick rest and freshen up, I went up to the hotel First Floor for the product launch and demonstration.

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The one that are launching on 1st May 2017 is the Body Fit Anti-Cellulite Contouring Expert. It will be replacing the existing Body Lift, which has been in the market for a few years now. Even the packaging also get a makeover. It has a S shape on the bottle, representing a woman’s curve. More on the product soon!

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This is what I am excited about. Bodyweight training with Nana Al Haleq! The session with her was 45-minutes. Now, for me that is very long because my Metafit Bodyweight training maximum is just 22-minutes. Understandably, Metafit is much more intense and fast. This one is a slow-pace training. I love every minute of the training. It was so tough, so freaking sore but absolutely satisfying. I woke up the next day feeling fine while everybody else was sore hehe. That is normal for first-timers. I am used to bodyweight training by now so I was feeling great.

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After a good workout and a good sweat, we went back to our room for a shower and rest before going back to the hotel for a dinner at the Japanese restaurant. Dinner consists of a few course and HUGE. To me la 😀

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The ride back to our villa was accompanied by a starry sky view. Beautiful.

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I did not sleep at all. I am used to supportive pillow and the pillow I had was too soft to sleep on. I finally fell asleep after watching a few hours of TV and a glass of hot green tea at 4am on the square colorful pillow that was on the bed. I woke up at 6am, got ready and then the front desk called at 6.45am. It was our morning call lol. I went back to the hotel cafe for a light breakfast at 7am and we all walked to the beach at 8am for one last activity. Water raft building!

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There are three teams in total with eight of us. We were taught how to build the raft and then race with each other in the sea. The day before that I was told that I can choose to stay on the beach if I am not comfortable since I am aquaphobia and I cannot swim. AT ALL. But the coaches said we must go together no matter what. You have no idea how scared I was and how my whole body shake in fear at the beach. I was so scared that I could not speak at all.

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The skin on my pinky finger were torn off completely as I was tying the strings tightly. I was afraid the whole raft would be broken in the middle of the sea and I would be drown. So yeah. I tied the string tightly like there is no tomorrow.

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I was not even ready when my team mates started pushing the raft out to the sea. My right leg was in while the left leg was still dangling out. And I could not even sit without slipping out! At that time I wish I was fatter or at least my bum bum was bigger HAHAHA. The whole journey I was shaking in fear as both my legs are in the sea. That is so scary!!!

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We were actually the last time to finish building the raft but we are the first to finish the race. Surprise, surprise! Yeap. I was back to the usual me once we hit the shore lolololol.

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It was a great 2 days 1 night trip with these girls, thanks to Clarins Malaysia. A bit unwilling to go back KL as the villa was so beautiful and relaxing but nonetheless happy to be home. We left Lexis Hibiscus Port Dickson at 1.30pm and reached Amoda building at 3pm. On schedule 🙂

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The post Trippin’ with Clarins: Body Fit Anti-Cellulite Contouring Expert Press Launch appeared first on Street Love. by Fiona

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Eat like a local in Penang Mon, 19 Dec 2016 01:10:40 +0000 Street Love
Street Love - Malaysia Beauty Blog with Diversify Beauty Topics

You will agree with me, you cannot go wrong with the food in Penang. Malaysia is definitely the paradise for foodies all around the world and one place stood at the very top will be Penang! If you are looking for a slice of heaven, then let me assure you, you will want to take […]

The post Eat like a local in Penang appeared first on Street Love. by Fiona

Street Love
Street Love - Malaysia Beauty Blog with Diversify Beauty Topics

Eat Like A Local In Penang
You will agree with me, you cannot go wrong with the food in Penang. Malaysia is definitely the paradise for foodies all around the world and one place stood at the very top will be Penang! If you are looking for a slice of heaven, then let me assure you, you will want to take the stairway to Penang Island. This is the every foodie’s heaven. Penang has been voted more than once as the haven for street food. Sounds good? Just hop on the next bus to Penang already!

If you are still going to the regular eateries like Gurney Drive, you are not doing it right. Here are the top 8 eateries for you to eat like a local.

1. Penang Road Teochew Chendol

Penang Road Teochew Chendol

Just like many other delicacies, there are many places in Penang where you can get a mean bowl of chendol but if you are planning to experience on local eating ways then you will need to go Penang Road. Some says that this is the birthplace of this delicious dessert. The original taste simply cannot be compared with those from the franchised air conditioning stores. Come to think of it, having a bowl of cold chendol while standing under the scorching sun is simply delightful. The thirst-quenching bowl of chendol will help you defeat the heat!


2. Wai Kee Char Siew Rice

Wai Kee Char Siew Rice

To be candid, i have never thought Penang could be famous for char siew rice. Here, you will get the perfect combination of roasted pork, char siew, roasted duck, roasted chicken and Chinese sausage. The char siew is barbequed at a very delicate level where the fat will melt in your tongue and don’t even get me started with one of the crispiest roasted pork in Penang.


3. Hong Kong Tea Garden

Hong Kong Tea Garden

Hong Kong Tea Garden is a good example of a private hawker market where stalls arise around an already existing restaurant. The coffee shop is located along Macalister Road, directly opposite Court’s Mammoth. The food is ranges from all time favorite fried oyster, clay pot noodles, roasted ducks, dim sum and fried koay teow.


4. Tua Pui Curry Mee

Tua Pui Curry Mee

Kimberley Street is one of the many streets in Penang that offers the best of the culinary Penang has to offer. But one that stands out will be Tua Pui Curry Mee. The curry mee is fames for its array of toppings that you can add on to your bowl of warming curry mee. You can easily find the curry mee in a mountain with curry chicken, curry squid, fish balls and cockles.


5. Balik Pulau Asam Laksa @ Nan Guang Coffee Shop

Balik Pulau Asam Laksa @ Nan Guang Coffee Shop

Asam Laksa is indeed a famous local delicacy in Penang and it is even coined as Penang Laksa for being an indigenous food of Penang. You can find asam laksa in every nook and corner of Penang but one specifically stands out will be Nan Guang Coffee Shop’s Asam Laksa.

Beyond the buzzing city with bumper-to-bumper traffic and premium complexes and high rises, lies a quiet town named Balik Pulau. Although it sounds like a place far away from the city, it is actually still consider a stone throw away with 15 to 30 minutes drive away from Georgetown. This is the very place for you to get a taste full of the famous asam laksa.


6. Peng Hwa Lok Lok @ Pulau Tikus Market

Peng Hwa Lok Lok @ Pulau Tikus Market

Lok Lok means Dip Dip in Cantonese where you dip skewered food in hot boiling water until when it ends up cooked. After that, you dip the food with the sauces whichever you prefer. There is a number of skewers for you to choose from that is seafood to vegetables.

This is no ordinary Lok Lok stall when you get to sit in a round table and have all the ingredients you have chosen to cook in the communal pot in the middle of the table. Besides the impressive selection of food items, the most important aspect of the entire process with be their dipping sauce. They provide up to 6 types of dipping sauce that basically cater to everyone’s taste.


7. Goodall Café

Goodall Café

Goodall café has been well established for many years and is familiar to almost every local Penangites. You can basically find all the local delights here but top the list of many will be their curry fish head, chicken satay, wan tan mee and popiah.


8. Tandoori Naan Set at Kaasim Mustafa Nasi Kandar

Tandoori Naan Set at Kaasim Mustafa Nasi Kandar

Tandoori chicken which is the Flamingo esque, Indian grilled staple hen was first adopted by the locals hen the Indians first arrived in Penang just after Penang had being colonized by the British in the 1800. If you take a walk across most of the shops, you will come to notice that there are tandoori chickens hanging on long spikes. However, these are not the same as the tandoori at Kassim Mustafa Nasi Kandar.

The Tandoori here is special and above all, open 24/7 to serve people from all walks of life. This is normally served together with any naan you prefer. The Chicken is also served with a sweetened tomato and mint chutneys, a yellow daal and a collection of lime carrot and onions to use at your own preference. The serving will also include mango or pineapple lassi. The Tandoori chicken can be taken as an early morning snack or a late dinner serving depending on your preference.

There you have it, regardless where you travel to, you should absolutely eat like a local as only then you will get the true taste of the destination.


The post Eat like a local in Penang appeared first on Street Love. by Fiona

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Travel Made Easy with Traveloka Malaysia Tue, 22 Nov 2016 03:05:34 +0000 Street Love
Street Love - Malaysia Beauty Blog with Diversify Beauty Topics

Thanks to the internet that most of us can’t seem to live without, everything is just a click away. From getting your favourite outfit to ordering food online to even purchasing your gadgets online, the internet has everything, just search it up in the toolbar and you will be presented with thousands of options. That’s […]

The post Travel Made Easy with Traveloka Malaysia appeared first on Street Love. by Fiona

Street Love
Street Love - Malaysia Beauty Blog with Diversify Beauty Topics

Travel Made Easy with Traveloka Malaysia
Thanks to the internet that most of us can’t seem to live without, everything is just a click away. From getting your favourite outfit to ordering food online to even purchasing your gadgets online, the internet has everything, just search it up in the toolbar and you will be presented with thousands of options.

That’s not all, if travelling is what you crave for, getting all your travel preparation done from flights to hotel can be done online. (LIKE WHAT??). But if your wallet does not allow what your soul craves for, this is where Traveloka comes in like a superhero. Saving your day with cheap flights and great hotel deals that you can never find anywhere, let me repeat that again, YOU CAN NEVER FIND ANYWHERE, Traveloka Malaysia will surely be your ultimate favourite page (It has surely been mine).


Why Traveloka?

Why Traveloka
With a plethora of travel apps and websites that can be found online, finding for the best offers for flights and hotels can be quite a headache. With these many platforms, which will be your ultimate choice?

I love travelling whenever I feel like it, some may be planned and most of it is based on impulse. I could never wait around for great promotional seats that flies like what, next year? NO WAY! All I wanted when I leave on a spontaneous trip tomorrow, two weeks from now or even 5 months away, was a convenient page that finds the best deals for me whenever I want.

After months of depending on Skyscanner, I coincidentally stumbled upon Traveloka. Count me lucky or what, but I found my best money saving deals on this page that I couldn’t find anywhere else and made it my go-to travel website for all my travel needs – hotels and flight.

Trust me when I say that this travel page is surely the next big thing especially for Southeast Asian Travel. Here are why:

  • Best all-round convenience
    Traveloka offers their wonderlust customers a complete, amazing solution- book for the cheapest flight tickets and hotels all around South East Asia at the SAME TIME with great savings. Your wallet will surely thank you for this.
  • Best Price
    The Team behind the brand filters only the best, lowest prices for both flight tickets and hotels in South East Asia so that you never have to bother with other websites.
  • Honest Price
    Be rest assured that there are no hidden, hanky-panky business going on under the table. The price that you see on the website is what you pay at the end. Everything, the extras and whatnot are all included.
  • Promo quick finder
    Check for the cheapest price from the last 48 hours just by clicking on the dates. For impulsive travelers like me, this is so awesome because I get to pick on deals whenever I want. Do keep in mind that the prices are subject to change at any time.


The best part of all this, THEIR APP. This travel page has created an app both for the android users and the IOS users to make their life, I mean booking easier. Finding for the perfect Traveloka hotels and flights can now be done anywhere, at the comfort of your own house or even while you are having your coffee outside.

Traveloka App
So, just like what I did, make Traveloka your ultimate, travel website when it comes to convenient and money-saving booking.


The post Travel Made Easy with Traveloka Malaysia appeared first on Street Love. by Fiona

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3 First Class Ipoh Hotels For Impeccable Retreat Fri, 29 Jul 2016 01:00:47 +0000 Street Love
Street Love - Malaysia Beauty Blog with Diversify Beauty Topics

Wondering an exciting retreat for the next break? It’s time to steal a glance to Ipoh. The capital of Perak state situated on the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia has a lovely nature and numerous recreational spots. The nature of Ipoh is really shady and serene. Some of them even can be very adventurous. Aside […]

The post 3 First Class Ipoh Hotels For Impeccable Retreat appeared first on Street Love. by Fiona

Street Love
Street Love - Malaysia Beauty Blog with Diversify Beauty Topics

3 First Class Ipoh Hotels For Impeccable Retreat
Wondering an exciting retreat for the next break? It’s time to steal a glance to Ipoh. The capital of Perak state situated on the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia has a lovely nature and numerous recreational spots.

The nature of Ipoh is really shady and serene. Some of them even can be very adventurous. Aside nature, there is the Orang Asli village with their incredible customs.

So, Ipoh is worth to visit because it offers you a great retreat. Retreat in Ipoh may also flawless if you stay at the best Ipoh Hotel. Especially for you, this recommendation handpicked 3 first class Ipoh hotels for the impeccable retreat.


The Banjaran Hotspring Retreat

Persiaran Lagun Sunway 3 no. 1

The Banjaran Hotspring Retreat
This is the best Ipoh Hotel for those seeking the impeccable retreat. The 5-star hotel is combining the unbelievable facilities, where the guest is brought to stay amidst nature, embraces dense rainforest, limestone hills, natural caves, waterfalls, and the signature – geothermal natural hot springs.

The accommodation consists of 25 private villas that perfectly designed mingling with the natural scene. You can choose between the Garden Villas that set amidst the garden or the Water Villas that set like floating on the natural lake. The entire villas are offered with private pool, patio, outdoor bathroom, and geothermal hot spring pool as the Jacuzzi.

The #1 Ipoh hotel completes the retreat with outstanding facilities. The signature absolutely the geothermal hot spring Jacuzzi that lies on the 16-acre area. There is a unique sauna set inside the private cave with the crystal-clear hot springs pool. While staying in The Banjaran Hotspring Retreat, you can try various natural health therapies, such as ice-bath, Garra Ruga Fish Spa, and the exclusive spa treatment. Some other facilities pervade healthy restaurant, wine bar inside the cave, swimming pool, and the fitness center.


The Happy 8 Retreat @Pasir Putih

Jalan Shah Bandar 8, Taman Happy

The Happy 8 Retreat
This 3-star Ipoh Hotel is uniquely designed to couple the beauty of art, nature, and the sophisticated technology. The hotel essentially wants to embrace the nature’s positive energy by applying natural materials and art elements throughout the property.

The Happy 8 Retreat @Pasir Putih may be considered as your sanctuary. It’s set amidst the natural setting, surrounded by the bamboo garden. The property is built majorly using the stone and timber element. There are exclusively 5 guestrooms set in different themed one to another and supported with modern amenities, including AC and cable TV. Selected rooms feature a private veranda and semi-outdoor bathroom with stone bathtub, both overlooking the bamboo garden. The hotel also offers the on-site restaurant with great selections of the local and international menu.

There’s another The Happy 8 Retreat located at Market Street 46. Known as The Happy 8 Retreat @Old Town, the 3-plus-star hotel features 13 guestrooms with unique natural touches. The furniture of the entire rooms are designed so uncommon made from natural material, such as bamboo, wood, and stone. There’s also a café inside this hotel.


Ipoh Bali Hotel

Lorong Cheah Cheang Lim, Off Jalan Tambun 12A

Ipoh Bali Hotel
The Ipoh Bali Hotel is introduced to bring you the Balinese nuance in Ipoh. The 3-star Ipoh Hotel is “truly Bali”, not only because it’s built in Balinese style, but also because the entire hotel is built using the material that originally came from Bali.

The major walls in the hotel were built using the Bali’s black volcano stones. The construction building uses the 70 to 100-year-old materials, especially the hardwood. Some gates and doors are assembled using the antique Bali House door. The entire furniture throughout the property is made from Balinese solid wood. Even the tropical plants in here are using the Balinese plants, such as the iconic 60-year-old Frangipani trees.

The hotel boasts 12 guestrooms designed in a tropical setting. Some rooms feature the attic. There’s also selected rooms with the private garden where you can relax on the swinging bench overlooking the fishpond. Ensuring the perfect retreat, the hotel presents on-site salon and spa, also a rooftop restaurant. The rooftop restaurant is the perfect place to hold a private gathering with your family and friend while staying in Ipoh.


The post 3 First Class Ipoh Hotels For Impeccable Retreat appeared first on Street Love. by Fiona

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