DKNY Patent Leather Tote

I’ve been eyeing on this bag for quite some time now. The seller no long carry any ready stock for black cause it’s sold out. Last month I revisited the seller’s website and I’m delighted to find out that seller restocked and there’s discount available. Listed price is RM290. Seller is offering special discount and the promo price is RM275. I asked for discount and she was happy to deduct another RM10 for me. I paid RM260 for the bag which is inclusive of PosLaju.

The bag comes with a thin woven dustbag-like cover. Even the straps and logo tag are wrapped with the same material.

After removing the dustbag.

Tadaaaa. My new bag!

It’s medium size. I saw elsewhere there’s larger size.

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Canon PhotoYou Magazine English Magazine Review: Magazine

Canon PhotoYou X Canon EOS Keychain

Saw this magazine PhotoYou at Mid Valley which is bearing the brand Canon on the header. This caught my eyes as Canon is also one of our main advertiser. I was delighted to find that the magazine comes with a cute EOS keychain. I decided to buy a copy but after looking at the keychain carefully, it’s rusted. In fact all the keychain available is rusted.

The next day I went to HP Towers to send magazine and I popped in to outlet at Ground floor and there’s 2 copies left. Both keychain is in perfect condition.

Canon PhotoYou comes with a Canon EOS Keychain – RM19.90

It’s cute and limited edition.

Although personally I’m using Olympus currently but this is limited edition and too cute to resist.

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