Body - Salon Body Treatment Bubble Gum Wax Review: Bath / Body

Trying out Brazilian IPL for the first time at Bubble Gum Wax Casa Tropicana

This may sound odd but whenever I’m under tremendous stress (an extreme one), I tend to go for something that involves pain. I have thought of tattoo before many years ago until I found out that not all people are suitable to have tattoo on and I fall into that category. I was once told to not have tattoo by someone powerful so tattoo is out of the question. Piercing however is a different story. I kinda was obsessed with body piercing (not that I have a lot). It was the suffering pain that make whatever sour things in life much more bearable.

As a norm in my life, once again I felt into a loop hole. Immediately I thought of something painful. Don’t worry. This time I thought of trying out Brazilian Wax 😀 . I heard it’s one painful experience for first timer and usually when I’m under this type of stress, pain is something I’m not afraid of. Not even a bit. I’m as brave as king kong! Right before I went for the waxing treatment, Arpita blogged about Brazilian IPL at Bubble Gum Wax and that they are currently offering first time trial price of RM96. I dragged my friend along and off we go!

Bubble Gum Wax Casa Tropicana
There are two Bubble Gum Wax branch in total. One in Plaza Damas and one in Casa Tropicana. Casa Tropicana was newly opened just five months ago so I opted for that branch as my first time. The location is very unique. It’s at a condominium so don’t look for shop lots etc. Once you turn into the condominium unit, there are ample parking space available and Bubble Gum Wax is located at the first floor. They are facing the main road so you won’t miss it. The best part? No parking fee 🙂

The staircase to first floor is located at the middle. Take the stairs up, turn back to the front and you will see the store front.

Bubble Gum Wax Casa Tropicana Store Front
The decor is simple and soothing on the eyes. It’s not the scary white or black salon. It’s very trendy I would say. It’s the kind of salon you walk in and feel right. You know me. I like simplicity.

Bubble Gum Wax Casa Tropicana Signage
My advise is to make an appointment prior heading to the salon, just in case all their therapist are fully occupied. I actually made an enquiry on Bubble Gum Wax Facebook page, make an appointment on Facebook there and then and Casa Tropicana branch called the next day to reconfirm the appointment. All in one, it’s one good customer service and I appreciate that. The worse I could imagine is the social media handler told me to call up Casa Tropicana to make appointment myself but they didn’t. It was a quick and easy process through Facebook 😀

Once I was there, I make a few quick enquiry to decide if I wanted to carry on with Brazilian IPL or the conventional Brazilian Wax. So did my friend. Then we filled up a form and I was the first to go.

Bubble Gum Wax Casa Tropicana Front Desk
I was told to make a visit to the washroom if I needed to. I was so nervous and yes you bet I needed to pee before the treatment 😀 😀 😀 . Then I was directed to one of the treatment room. Mind you there are no ceiling covering the top of the room so whatever noise you make in the room will be heard by EVERYONE in the salon. So yeah. Just so you wanna know hehe.

Bubble Gum Wax Casa Tropicana Treatment Room
I was told to remove my underwear and I was given a wet wipe to clean myself up. My friend funnily told me after the treatment that she did not know what to do with the wet wipes that she didn’t use it and the therapist did it for her lol. Since I wore a polo dress, it was quite easy for me. I don’t feel as naked as it was suppose to be.

Bubble Gum Wax Casa Tropicana Treatment Chair
These are the utensils for waxing. Since I opted for Brazilian IPL, I didn’t need to use all this.

Bubble Gum Wax Casa Tropicana Waxing Utensils
This machine however I need. This is the IPL machine for my Brazilian. There is only one machine in the salon so only one of us could carry on with the treatment at one go.

Okay. This is where the photo stops 😛 . I must admit it was quite embarrassing for the first 10 minutes but I keep assuring myself it’s the same feeling when I go for gynae. You spread wide open at the gynae but you don’t spread eagle wide at Bubble Gum Wax. The therapist bend both my knee, lying them flat on the side with both foot touching. Just like one of the seating position at yoga. That’s the best description I can think of lol. The therapist will then put some baby powder on the treatment area and shave everything off. Why shave? That is because I went for the IPL, not waxing. I was told that the new hair growth will drop after the treatment so I was really intrigued to know if it was true. After every hair was fully shaved off, the therapist then went to the next room to retrieve a bowl of cooling gel for the treatment. She will then apply a fairly thick layer of cooling gel on a small section of the area and use the IPL machine. It wasn’t painful on some area but some area I felt a very sharp burning hot electric shock. It was slightly painful on some part especially on boney part.

If you decided to go for any brazilian treatment, you will have to bear in mind that brazilian means ALL OFF; from the front to the back. You will be asked to turn around to get the back part done as well. After 30-40 minutes, the therapist will wipe you clean like a baby 😀 and apply cooling cream all over the treatment area. So ‘down there’ will feel minty cooling the whole day haha.

Bubble Gum Wax Casa Tropicana IPL Machine
The whole experience was eye opening and it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Perhaps due to the fact that I didn’t go for the wax so it was bearable.

I had mine done last Tuesday, exactly a week by now. I didn’t notice any hair drop but I do notice that the hair growth was slower. Just like shaving, it was slightly itchy when the hair starts to grow out. And just like shaving as well (well, it was shave anyhow), I do experience rashes when the hair starts to grow out. With my skin condition I think it will be best for me to go for waxing next time instead.

Overall it was one exciting eye-opening experience for me. I finally did it! I overcome my fear of being naked in front of others and “flashing” to others haha. Oh boy. Too much info 😛

Bubble Gum Wax Casa Tropicana Tea After Treatment


Added review on 26th April 2015

When I went for my morning bath this morning, I notice a lot of hair fallout on my underwear. I panicked a little wondering what happened before remembering that the staff at Bubble Gum Wax did told me that new hair growth will fall off by itself. The problem is I did not know when. I was expecting the fall out to happen soon so I wasn’t expecting it to happen two weeks after the first IPL treatment. I went for another bath again in the afternoon and guess what? More fall out and this time I’m half hairless than before. Amazing. But I need to return to the salon mid of May for them to determine if IPL works for me or not. If they see that the result is not so promising for me, I would not be advised to sign up for IPL. We shall see what Bubble Gum Wax have to say, eh?

Have anyone of you tried Brazilian Waxing or IPL? Would you prefer waxing over IPL?

Bubble Gum Wax is located at the below location:

Kuala Lumpur Branch
F.1.7 Plaza Damas (Hartamas Shopping Center)
60 Jalan Sri Hartamas 1, Sri Hartamas, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
T  03.6211 5038  /  M  012.542 0662
[email protected]

Damansara Branch
B.1.5 Casa Tropicana,
Jalan Persiaran Tropicana,
Tropicana Golf & Country Resort
47410 Petaling Jaya
T 03.7887 0669 / M 012.557 3266
[email protected]

Price list: Please refer to this link!menu/ceev and this link!promotions/c1v6d

For more information, please visit or you can follow Bubble Gum Wax official Facebook page at


Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored review. I paid for the treatment on my own.


Comments (40)

  • I have tried Brazilian wax and I shivered when water passes through because the hairs were all gone. It was painful but bearable and leaves redness for a few days. It’s definitely an experience.

    I’m looking forward for IPL and yet to find a suitable one. I guess I may cross this out for now.

    • Haha shiver? Hmmm. I’m used to being hairless down there 😛 First time would be painful but subsequent will be better as the skin gotten used to it.

      Try BGW IPL. The introductory price is quite worthy. IPL is semi-permanent. With probably 5-10 treatments, you will be hairless. Waxing are not. Need to go back once a month 🙁

  • I wanted to try Brazilian, but when I thought about the pain, I chickened out.
    I had it all botak twice when I gave birth. it wasn’t a nice experience to have the nurse and a couple of trainees (yes! Even at a private hospital, there were trainees! GOSH!!!!!) peering ‘down there’ to see how the nurse gets it done… I never felt so humiliated before 🙁
    Sooooo malu weiiii…………
    Now tht they have IPL, im so tempted to try. But the location…. 🙁
    Need to take leave to do it…
    Pain is bearable, eh?

    • I heard from my friend that nurse will shave everything off before the doctor came in for the delivery process.
      Pain is bearable. Better than waxing hehe. IPL is semi-permanent so the more you do it, the hairless you will ended up in long run. After 1 year (around 10 treatment), you won’t need to go back anymore.

      • Wah…. so tempted to try it out now… 😛 😛 😛

        • Or try the first time Brazilian Wax promo for RM29 only 😀

  • Hello Fiona!! Your description is as funny as always haha! I had some vouchers of Brazilian Waxing but I’m too scared to try it out so I gave it to my friends, kinda of regret now, should have try it once in my life lol

    • Haha! This is one fun review. Have to make it funny as usual 😉 Oh man! You give me next time ok? Hehe. But fret not. Actually Bubble Gum Wax have a promo of RM29 for first time Brazilian Wax. So worth it.

      • Okok I will give you next time! I asked around and nobody wants those vouchers hahaha! RM29 is really really cheap!! Maybe I shall hold my breath close my eyes and go for it!

        • Because it’s Brazilian Wax and it’s scary HAHAHA! I used to pass out all the waxing related vouchers. Hehe. Try it. The bestest price I ever find 🙂

  • I read this post and all I could think of was oh why, oh why, do we have hair down there?!!!

    • I have a good theory on that! It was from my grandma, told by my mum. Not sure how true is the story but it sure do makes a lot of sense 😛

      • ohmigosh, if it is not an x-rated answer, please tell lol!

        • Trust me babe. It’s definitely very 18SX lol. Tell you in person next time hahaha!!

          • Oh… Please share here!
            isn’t it bcz our prehistoric forefathers never worn undies last time and the hair is to protect fr creepy-crawlies or dirt or something?

          • Hahahahaha no Carrie. Not that lol. First there was the story of Adam and Eve BUT there is a reason for hair down there 🙂

  • I’ve only ever tried Strip’s waxing service, and it’s really good albeit quite pricey. Might consider trying this since the promo is really cheap. XD

    • Me too. On the arm lol because I was too chicken to try Brazilian. My experience was quite okay although they push very hard on packages and after-treatment products after that. Phew.

  • I have tried both IPL and Brazilian wax… In the end, i went back to waxing cos i find it cleaner! I have seen BBG wax in Plaza Damas, will try it out one day! Strip in Msia has alot to improve on…. To be fair, I only tried the one in Sunway Pyramid. 🙂

    • I have to agree with you on that. On the back of my mind I can imagine waxing would be much more cleaner. The part about IPL that I don’t like is the shaving. I’ve only tried Strip The Curve. The treatment was good, although I can’t say the same about the pushiness of their front desk on packages and after-treatment care products 🙂

  • omg!!! How can you have to courage to go for it?? I have been wanting to try but never have the courage. I don’t know I just feel weird. Even though I examine people vagina like everyday now. lol

    • Hahahah weiiii. Of all people you should be the brave one since you examine people’s vagina everyday 😛 . I’m under tremendous stress. The braveness level shoot up to 500% automatically lol

  • I usually get a Brazilian. For the last… 6 months maybe? I’ve been getting them done at Strip because I have a number of vouchers. I don’t know if it’s coincidence or what but after I started going to Strip, I got a lot of ingrown hairs. :/ And I noticed they don’t spend as much time getting the ingrowns out compared to my previous experience at Glitters 1U. Instead they try to push their ingrown hair cream or whatever on you.

    Earlier this month I bought Groupon for Musee Platinum for underarms and bikini line. I think it’s rather like IPL also. When I went for the consultation, the lady adviced not to wax further because it opens up the pores and the treatment would not be as effective. I haven’t been for the first treatment yet so I don’t know if it’s something I should do. I guess I could go back to shaving… But I can’t stand the itchiness! At least with waxing, there’s no itching.

    • Time to change salon? I don’t like Strip for pushing products and packages. I saw Musee Platinum promo on Groupon as well. The reviews are not bad and I was intrigued. I saw they have an outlet at Parkamaya Pavilion the other day during the Easter Egg hunt. I actually like shaving too. Fast and minimizes the embarrassment lol. It’s super itchy. Thank god IPL wasn’t that bad. Just a tiny bit itchy. To be honest I’m also not sure which I’ll go next. IPL or wax. Sigh. Dilemma 🙁

      • I was going to Strip because with all the discount vouchers and buy one free one, etc, it was quite cheap. I still like Glitters 1U. They have only one girl there who does Brazilian and she’s quite good. The pain was hardly what you would call pain! Haha, the first time going for Brazilian felt so awkward and shy. Now I’ve gotten used to it.

        I bought the Groupon mostly for the underarm. Too lazy to pluck. 😛 Then I went to their outlet and saw they have the package for underarms only for RM88! But since the Groupon included bikini line, might as well try it out.

        • Oh wow. Glitters sounds good 🙂 . I also saw Musee Platinum for the underarm promo. In the end I don’t know what happened, I opted for brazilian lol. RM88 for inclusive bikini line is still cheap 😀

          • Oh no, RM88 is for underarms only. The one I bought is RM128. Which is still cheap because isn’t that like the normal price for a single IPL session?

          • Oh yes. It’s still cheap. That’s more like introductory price for IPL. The normal price for IPL according to Bubble Gum Wax is 600++

  • Interesting discussion happening here. I have not tried brazilian wax or IPL yet. Almost all my friends went for waxing every month. I wanted to follow them but I’m scared 😛

    • 😛 Just getting it off the chest lol. Just go with the flow. First time is a bit embarrassing but after that you’ll be fine 😉

  • Glad you tried it out! You can now be Fiona “no fear” StreetLove! Terrific post as always

    • I’m glad I tried 😀 Hahahaha Fiona “no fear” Street Love. I like! Thanks babe. You always recommend good stuff <3

  • Bravo for blogging about the experience and for putting humour into it so that it doesn’t sound as bad it everyone thinks^^

    • Thanks! It’s quite a fun experience thus the humour. But you know me. I try to input more sense of humour for easy reading 😉

  • i ve tried Strip Bangsar and BGW to do boyzillian. the best is still at waxillian KL,service is superb.

    • Thanks for the heads up on Waxillian KL. I gotta find out more 😉

  • Hi Fiona,

    Would like to know did you continue with your IPL session or wax instead? I honestly am encountering really bad ingrown hairs after 3xs of brazillian wax at bbgwax and the lady there is advising me to try IPL instead and I am not sure about it.

    • Hi C, if waxing is causing you to have ingrown hairs then you will be well suited with IPL instead. Hairs dropped off a few days after. It’s amazing.

  • Hey 🙂 just want to know, how was the last results for ipl that you undergone? Did you took 10 sessions of ipl at bbgw ? I’m about to try it

    • Hi Hanini, no I didn’t. So can’t comment on that 😉


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