I had the sudden urge to get some Christmas Set from Clinique yesterday after work mainly because I’ve been lemming over Chubby Stick for the longest time. It took me so long to get Chubby Stick because I wanted to finish off some lipstick from my stash before splurging on some. Let’s just say my lipstick stash is not getting lesser and the word “Limited Edition” always won. So I gave up and hope Metrojaya Mid Valley still have some left.
I went to Clinique Service Centre which was located at Level 1 but their Chubby Stick set is sold out. The BA immediately pick up the phone and call Metrojaya for me and they still have one last set. When I reached Metrojaya there’s 2 girls trying out the colors of Chubby Stick and I saw them holding the set briefly. Yesterday was also voucher day whereas you’d get RM20 voucher for RM150 purchase. So I picked up More Than Moisture set as well.