As someone who prefer to slather generous layers and layers of skincare before bed, sleeping mask is not necessary for me. Although I buy sleeping mask occasionally, I always chuck them under the ‘use when remember’ category. I know, I know. I should have stop buying but whenever something new came up, I was itching to own them. Over the recent weeks I notice that I’ve been slacking on skincare at night. Yes, I became the person who skipped the night skincare routine a few days in a week. I was so sleepy by the time I’m ready for bed. Sometimes I feel guilty so either I’ll apply a thick moisturizer solely or I will apply sleeping mask. One thing good about some sleeping mask is that it is good on it’s own. Like this NEW Laneige Water Sleeping Mask. Not only that. Laneige also came out with the all-NEW Lip Sleeping Mask. Say goodbye to thick lip balm!
The repackage came not just with a new name and packaging but with more benefits than just moisturising and brightening.
Water Sleeping Mask was developed based on 15 years of extensive research evolving around sleeping pack. This newly improvised product was elected as World Class Product of Korea in 2014 by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy. What’s so special about this improvised Water Sleeping Mask is the three main functions, a significant upgrade from its predecessors.