Two weeks ago I wanted to paint my nails after what seems to be forever since I last painted them. I used to be very diligent in making sure I have colors on my nails but over the past few months I just did not have the time. And I was enjoying the bare nails look. However I started to missed my funky accent nail-do and I did not want to use the same ol’ nail polish I had so I went on a stash shopping looking for new nail polishes. As luck was on my side I found a few brand new nail polishes sitting in the drawer. I have three new CATRICE nail polishes but the CATRICE Ultimate Nail Lacquer wow-ed me and I cannot stop using them!
Category / Make Up – Nail Polish
Recently I went slightly obsessed with nail polish. I am not someone who is into nail polish before this. Even painting my own toe nails is such a chore to me. With my previous work requirement to look presentable and meeting corporate clients all the time, painting my nails is not something that I would even consider, unless it’s nude but I’m not into nude at that time 😀 . When I saw that Sephora brought in the Victoria, Victoria Beckham for Nails Inc. London, I got to have it. Firstly I’m a fan of Posh Spice from the Spice Girls and of course Victoria Beckham herself. Secondly, how can you resist such a beautiful shade! How can?
Nails Inc. London, one of the top brand when it comes to nail polish collaborates with Victoria Beckham. Not just VB herself but also Victoria, Victoria Beckham collection. The Victoria, Victoria Beckham for Nails Inc. London collection unveil a unique limited-edition duo of nail polish, which was inspired by the feel of Victoria Beckham’s collection and its subtle incorporation of Japanese elements. Interestingly, the collection only comes with two nail polish shades – Judo Red, a vibrant tomato red and Bamboo White, a delicate bone shade. These nail polishes are created with stretch-to-fit technology that ensure the polish to glide on perfectly, plump and flawless during application. Now get this. It is formulated with bamboo extract. Bamboo extract typically contain all the essential nutrients for healthy nails. It reduced ridges and imperfection as well as promote nail growth, provided you use it frequent enough 🙂
Two months ago, I randomly stroll at the nail polish section at Sephora KLCC and stumbled upon this beautiful glitter nail polish by Nails Inc. I was contemplating if I should get it because glitter nail polish can be so gorgeous on the nails but it is an absolute pain to remove. I bite the bullet and got it, happily applied it on my nails and a week later, I needed to remove it as it was chipped all over. I cried. I regretted. I couldn’t understand why I bought the nail polish. I wished I didn’t bought it. I wished I didn’t applied it. Yeap. I went all emotional while doing the difficult task of removing.
Then, I went back to Sephora because I knew Sephora has a remover just for glitter nail polish. Well, the demo video looks promising. I’ve only used it a few days ago and I’m going to tell you if you should run like I do to Sephora for this Instant Nail Polish Remover for Glitter.
What I like about Sephora Instant Nail Polish Remover for Glitter is that each bottle is sticker-ed with the brand label all around, from top to bottom. This assures me that no curious shopper dipping their fingers into the bottle, mistaking the retail bottle as tester bottle. Yes, that too happened all the time so check your item before check out. You can peel the sticker off but I like to keep the label off so I used a knife and trace-cutting all around the cap edge in order to open the cap.
Many months ago I was gifted with this beautiful creamy pink nail polish from China Glaze. It has been sitting in my drawer until recently I changed the shape of my nails and immediately took this out to use. I’ve been saving it for the nails as I knew it will be beautiful, and I was right 😀
Hopeful is the shade that I received. It is a part of a 12 polishes in the United For A Purpose Collection which is also a China Glaze’s 2012 Breast Cancer Awareness release. These 12 polishes namely Faith, Angels Breath, Hopeful, Pearls of Wisdom, Dare to be Bare, Heart of the Matter, Hello Gorgeous, United, Beauty Within, Live Love Laugh, Exquisite and Always a Lady. Most of them are pale shades of pink but there is also a few glittery ones and bold fuchsia.
Is it so easy to guess what is my liking cause May from China Glaze Malaysia knew which shade that I will like 😀
The one brand that nail polish geek talk constantly about is Seche. It is also a brand that I see appearing at every nail polish blog. So what exactly is Seche? The first time I ever read about Seche is from a beauty blog but I cannot remember which. It was actually a mixed review so let’s just say I wasn’t interested with Seche since then because of that review. There is one point of time where I was very much into nail polish. The fear of yellowish nail always bother me so I started to Google more info on Seche and found quite a lot of good review. When Seche finally hit Malaysia shore, I bought not one but two bottle of Seche. Which two? Let’s find out.
I must say. Seche is really confusing. The sub-range for Seche are all named as Seche something something such as Seche Vite, Seche Restore, Seche Ultra-V, Seche Base, Seche Clear, Seche Natural and Seche Plus. See! It’s so confusing! Eventhough so I have a clear mindset of what I want – Seche Clear™ Crystal Clear Base Coat and Seche Vite™ Dry Fast Top Coat.
3 weeks ago I had some time off before starting a new job so I looked through my LENNART drawer to find a bright nail polish and I decided on China Glaze #Sass In A Glass which I’ve gotten from recent China Glaze blogger event.
Sass In A Glass is a bright dark pink with a hint of shimmers. The sun was glaring on the day I took the picture before therefore it looked slightly red. Maybe because it’s really dark pink which resulted in reddish picture.

What makes me wanting to get this color is because I’ve always into shimmers. And I wanted a really dark pink. I fell in love with this immediately when I lay my eyes on it.