There’s 1 thing that I never put on when applying makeup which is eyeliner. I never skip every other thing from makeup base for face and eye till lipstick. Only eyeliner. I remembered the BA at Clinique counter once asked me before why I never apply eyeliner. I gave her an excuse that my lid is too oily, eyeliner smear on me, I don’t know how to draw and many many more excuses. The ironic this is. . .my colleagues in the office doesn’t apply ANYTHING but eyeliner. Hah. I always feels that they are so weird that they don’t put on anything but eyeliner. Till now I still think they are weird!
Anyway. I decided to get a good eyeliner pencil and start sharpening my skill drawing it. Last week I was at Watsons KLCC and I happen to saw the one from Heroin Make and Heavy Rotation. I did a quick search with on Blackberry and the reviews for Heroin Make was blah and the reviews for Heavy Rotation is good so I decided to pick that instead. There’s 3 type of eyeliner which is liquid, gel and pencil. I don’t want anything to melt on me so I decided to get the pencil one instead. Their Pencil Liner was on discount and I got it at RM35.91.

The packaging and brand name was a bit tempting to me. I could imagine myself with eyeliners on now haha.
The directions which I never read lol. Sorry!
The pencil is long and thin. Packaging is not filmsy at all and pretty well made and felt heavy.
It looks more like crayon liner than pencil and it does glides on like crayon too. Perhaps this is a combination of pencil + crayon?
On the other tip of the pencil is actually a blending tip/sponge and hidden inside is a sharpener! How cool is that? I haven’t use both of that yet so we’ll see.
This is how the “tool” included looks like.
I like how black the liner is. Very pigmented, smooth and easy to draw.
On the first day, I drew a very very thin line and it wasn’t really visible (but to myself). This time I use a different method and sequence of applying eyeliner. After 2-way foundation, I applied ELF Eyelid Primer. Then I applied another layer of 2-way foundation on my lids. After that I apply eyeliner, follow by eyeshadow, touch up eyeliner, curl my lashes, touch up eyeliner again, apply mascara base and last is mascara. I find this step works to avoid eyeliner from smudging but the eyeliner was transfered to the eyelash curler and I have to reapplied again. As I mentioned before the eyeliner is something like a crayon liner. So I tried a different sequence the next day.
On the second day, I curl my lashes follow by eyeliner, then eyeshadow, touch up on the eyeliner, apply mascara base and mascara. No dramatic change in the sequence. And this is even better. I need not to reapply my eyeliner twice and this save me lots of time. Same as first day…there’s no smudges from the eyeliner.
Here’s the pictures taken on the second day when I got home from work. I use minimal eyeshadow on second day to try out how the eyeliner stand out. What I applied on the whole lid is a pinkish beige eyeshadow from Majolica Majorca and brow highlight from MM as well. I was so afraid I have panda eye the whole day and keep checking on the mirror!

I drew a fatter line and I was surprise how good the eyeliner looks like. No fading or smudges at all at the crease.
No smudges too on the lid, bottom lid and everywhere else!
Good purchase, good price cause it’s a really good product. I have oily lids and it doesn’t smudge on me nor the eyeliner will fade out. No regret here. Will I repurchase? Definitely!
Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored review. I bought the product on my own.