With a blink of an eye, #IWillBeOkay is one year old now and has entered into its 4th campaign to date. I have an aim of running a campaign every quarter but right after my #IWillBeOkay Trail Hike ended, I got a call from Clinelle asking for a collaboration. Immediately I went into planning mood. I already knew what I want as I have spoken about it for so long, even before the trail hike event. Clinelle was looking forward to “re-introduce” their Hot Body Shaper Cream and my fitness event fits the bill.
The event was supposed to happen in April, a month after 3rd campaign ended. But due to the venue issue, it was postponed to early May. Still not too bad. And since this 4th campaign happened so early, I had more time off now 😀 . Planning this Metafit event was way easier than planning a full-on outdoor event like the trail hike because of many reasons such as people management, safety, goodie bags, T-shirts and so on. Due to bad experience from the last event whereas 3 sets of goodie bags and meal was stolen, I took everyone’s advice and charge a minimum fee this time. The fee of RM35 per person is not even enough to cover the coach fee, brunch and the advertising I put on Facebook as well as Instagram. And because there is a charge this time, people are reluctant to sign up unlike the last event. Let’s not even get to the part where I get a lot of sh*t from people asking for medal, cert and many more.
Venue Sponsor
I always had my Metafit training outdoor but due to the time issue, I had to find an indoor venue otherwise everyone will be under the hot sun at 11am. The challenge was to get a studio big enough to fit 40 people jumping and pumping on the floor. My coach suggested to check with Monster Fit if they can sponsor us the venue. Monster Fit said yes!
Monster Fit is at VSQ @ PJ City Centre, along the same road from Armada Hotel. It is in PJ, which many people would be happy and more convenient to go and it has ample parking. I was told by many participants that they had issue going into parking as there was a wedding going on. I reached at 9am and entered the parking in no time so I did not even notice the wedding at the church next door lol. Monster Fit is HUGE. It has all the gym equipment, a swimming pool outdoor and a huge indoor studio, which they kindly lend to us for the morning to have this event. This event would not happen without the kind sponsorship from Monster Fit so a big thank you to Monster Fit 🙂
I did everything myself this time, without any volunteer or crew with me except for a photographer. I reached at 9am to install the banners, which I learnt how to do it the night before 😛 and not long later my friends from Clinelle arrived. Slowly the participants arrived. My #fitfam from Cyberjaya Metafit class, who is also a runner registered for 8 pax (thank you!) and she too arrived not long later.
Registration was all done by myself as it was not a big crowd and we had everyone fill in the Par-Q Form (Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire) to determine that everyone is fit to participate in the Metafit session. After the form was filled, the coach will have a word with them to see if they are good to go.
This is the Clinelle goodie bag, fully sponsored by Clinelle. Two full sizes and one travel size. For RM35 registration fee, you get Clinelle products worth RM160. That is a pretty good goodie bag ❤️
Without realizing, Meraki Kitchen arrived with our food and it was caught on camera haha! If you have not tried meal order from Meraki Kitchen yet, you are missing out. They made the best meal ever and it’s healthy! Each pack is full to the brim of the box and it is enough to last you from lunch to dinner lol. Everyone told me the meal pack is too huge and it’s rice. Well, multigrain rice to be exact. They are so supportive towards #IWillBeOkay and this time I decided to order from them again as I know the participants will love it. No, all the meals are not sponsored by Meraki Kitchen BUT they do give me a discount which I appreciate very much. Thank you for the continuous support and believe in #IWillBeOkay, Meraki!
As usual lah, while waiting for everyone to arrive, I like to say this – “come let’s take photo since there’s nothing to do” 😀
And take photo we did! I dragged the coach for some Metafit shots too lol. We did two style, sprint and tuck jump.
Familiar faces! Yvonne from previous event. I was so happy to see her again. This time she dragged a new friend along 🙂
We also hand all the goodie bag to the participants and ask them if they would want to try Clinelle Hot Body Shaper Cream before the training starts. It was 10.20am at that time. I figure by the time we start at 10.30am, the heating sensation from the cream has already started and help to burn more fat.
Doing one last head count before the event start.
The fabulous family of 8!
An unexpected friend arrived. Sabrina, my babe from Malay Mail who was sick but decided to come last minute to sweat it all out. Sabrina was the one who interviewed me and crowned me as the selfie queen last year lol. Here is the article. It was supposed to be a front cover news but a bigger news came up and my interview was put to the 2nd page. Still a good story. Selfie was a hot topic and coincidentally at that time I started my selfie game too 😀 . That is how I ended up in the newspaper.
We started our Metafit training with some warm up and as usual, the coach will show us all the moves for the day and we would try it out before the real session. And we are already tired even before the real training started.

Although Metafit was tough, 19 minutes in total. But everyone agreed it was a good workout. Some had jelly legs right after the training, some jelly legs after brunch but most of us feel it the next day and that’s normal. It means you are doing it right.

Then it was the cool down session.

Still stretching.
Usually right after an event, everyone would dash to me for food. This time none. I waited and waited but everyone was too jelly legs to remember the food LOL. I have to walk to them to hand over the food and slowly, some of the came over.
I was supposed to hand over the studio by 11.30am but a few of us stay on to have our food, chatting and laughing about the training earlier. Monster Fit was kind enough to let us do whatever we wanted to do but we make sure we did not dirty the place and leave food everywhere. We clean the place and left by 12.30pm.
These are the 20 brave and strong people who signed up for one of the toughest bodyweight HIIT training, Metafit. Bravo! You’ve survived your first Metafit session with #IWillBeOkay X CLINELLE Shape Up Metafit event. It ain’t easy but it works!
#IWillBeOkay X Clinelle Shape Up Metafit is made possible thanks to our Brand Sponsor, Clinelle and Venue Sponsor, Monster Fit.
Comments (4)
I saw ad about this event and did thought of signing up. But my legs probably won’t let me do any heavy movement yet ? hope there would be similar event in future ? btw kudos on planning healthy event like this ?
Next event then (if any) 😉
I couldn’t make it to this training event. Hoping to join the next. Good job, Fiona !
Thank you!