If you ever get into my car, you will hear me apologizing the minute you get in all the way till we reach the destination. That is because my choice of music genre is not everyone’s cup of tea. Well, not everyone’s cup of tea to be precise. I was friends with Slyde of Poetic Ammo back then (he has since formed Dragon Red) since I was 14. I remember I asked him about rap music, as he’s a rapper who had won several music awards ICYMI. He told me about a genre called black rap. It’s a rap that swears from top to bottom lol. I find it amusing but I could never understand a word. Then I found the music genre that I like, and that is hip hop as well as R&B.
When Clozette approached me for my playlist. I panicked. How do I put out my playlist when there’s too many mention of F, P, D, C and so on? Lucky for me, I have another playlist which consists of songs I listen to when I run. Funny enough, I run with more mellow songs. Chill R&B as I called it. Some songs are not even R&B at all. They’re just songs I discovered on Spotify and I totally love it. I bet you wouldn’t have figure out that I like Frank Sinatra’s Witchcraft, eh? 😀
Go on, find out what’s my playlist and read all about it at Clozette! It’s a rather different feature than beauty and fitness that you girls know me of 😉