Arty Professional revolves around creating artisan masterpiece on a blank piece of canvas using the best selection of products and colours. Highly coveted by beauty aficionados, Arty Professional is a premium quality professional makeup range that will enhance your beauty without cramping your style.
Last Saturday I attended an exclusive blogger event for the official launch of Arty Professional; A New Makeup Artist Brand which was held at Busaba, Bangsar Shopping Centre.

Once we were guided to our table there’s various Arty Professional product placed on the center of the table. One would get pretty excited seeing all the makeup product in front. Agree? I’m glad I sit next to the window as the interior decor is all black.

I went busy body a lil bit and spotted more Arty Professional products! This is a whole display I’m talking about. There’s even more on the left side.
Did you spot those colorful eyeshadow? The colors are vibrant and definitely looking pigmented. That’s because Arty Professional provides an array of illuminating colors that make up the spectrum of a rainbow complete with hints of earthy neutrals and achromatic tones to achieve an equilibrium of perfection.
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