There is only 2 online shopping portal that I get my beauty fix. One is Best Buy World and another one is from a seller ID jjj*2008 in eBay Malaysia. I cannot stress enough how much I adore Jenny (real name for seller ID jjj*2008). Her price is normally a lot cheaper than retail. And she wraps parcel so perfectly and securely that no one is able to replica. Not only that. She include extra gifts in like no body’s business.
Recently I had the opportunity to meet up with Jenny for lunch and for a little beauty swap. She told me that she put herself in her customer’s shoe. She knew that her customers would be happy to receive the extras cause she would too! And the super perfect and secure wrapping is from her bad online shopping experience. All these bad experience will only make her do the best for her customers. She wouldn’t want her customers to frown upon receiving badly wrapped parcel 🙂
This is what I swapped from Jenny. What I have chosen is slightly more so I paid the excess back to Jenny. The funny part is I forgotten to do so and I did online transfer to Jenny upon returning to office. Oppss!