For someone that have unstable skin condition like mine will need to change daily moisturizer constantly. There are times where my skin are dry, peeling but oily at the same time and there are times where my skin are just purely oily. To be honest with you I’m a bit addicted in opening up those jars of moisturizer from my stash.
Just to update you a bit on my skin before Himalaya Nourishing Skin Cream came along. A few months ago I was having a hard time with the oiliness on my face. My makeup melted frequent, I blot so many times in a day…everything is just too oily for me. I figure that my skin has reached it’s peak whereas I used too much skin care and that I don’t need that much anymore. So I cut down on my serum. From 3-serum to just one and then moisturizer. It was working out great but later on my skin was back to oily. But I was depressed because I love layering my skin care. How am I going to finish my stash?? One day, someone (I forgot who oppss!) told me that it could be that my skin is too dry. She advised me to use moisturizer, although I told her I did use. Maybe not enough 😀
So, I re-look back into my skin care regime and change my moisturizer. To creamier one. The only one I have is Himalaya Nourishing Skin Cream and it has been staring at me for months!
There is nothing to shout about on the packaging. I got to admit. It’s not attractive, it’s not screaming “USE ME NOW”, in fact it looked like some Middle Eastern company produced it LOL. The brand name on the other hand doesn’t sound Eastern so it really looked a bit dodgy.