Finding it hard to get rid of stubborn fats especially around the abdomen, waist and arms which affects the figure’s harmonious contours? As the No.1 slimming expert, Clarins understands this and continually strives to provide women with the most effective and best adapted contouring products. Since 1974, Clarins created the first Body Shaping Cream which designed to reduce excess stubborn fat, and reformulated in 1983 and 1996.
After 19 years of research and experiment, today in 2015, Clarins is introducing its latest innovation Body Shaping Cream. This new slimming product has a double-effect poppy extract fat elimination technology targets stubborn fatty tissue around the waist, hips, arms, thighs by accelerating the break down and preventing the accumulation of fat, thus effectively redefining your figure into a perfectly slender body you have always desire.