Category / Skin Care – Anti-Ageing

Review: Skin Care Shizens Skin Care - Anti-Ageing

My Current Skincare Routine: A complete Shizens anti-aging skincare to maintain a youthful skin

After nearly three years of getting both feet into a proper skincare regime, I’ve toned down a lot on mixing my skincare products. The last time I did an update on My Latest Day & Night Skin Care Routine is back in 2012. That’s two years ago! A lot has changed since then. A few months ago I’ve been thinking to do an update on my current skincare routine but was distracted to something else. Now is the perfect timing as I’ve recently embark on a new skincare range. Just one brand, with five products only. Yes, no more three serums layering on each other 😀

Let me introduce to you my current skincare routine. I’m using none other than Shizens, starting from cleanser down to moisturiser.

Shizens 1
This might come shocking to you but can you believe that Shizens is my first full range of skincare that I’ve ever used? I never believe in using a full set of the same brand skincare all these while. After one full month of embarking on this new journey, I must say it’s really an eye opening for me. You better get yourself a hot cup of coffee or cocoa because this will be a long post. Afterall I’m going to talk about FIVE products 🙂 . Don’t worry, I’ll try to keep it short and sweet this time.

Review: Skin Care SK-II Skin Care - Anti-Ageing Skin Care - Firming Skin Care - Hydrating Skin Care - Oil Control Skin Care - Wrinkle / Fine Lines

SK-II Facial Treatment Essence: Does my skin improved after going through 2-bottles? Surprise ahead

Let’s face it. Everyone wants a crystal clear skin. Who doesn’t right? I never imagine myself having crystal clear skin. I’m not born with a good skin to begin with and the problems I have just make everything seems impossible. I’m sure you remember watching SK-II’s luring TVC of the iconic Facial Treatment Essence. SK-II advertisement never fail to make me go gaga. It is the one product that I’ve been dying to try. Let me repeat that. DYING TO TRY. What stop me from doing so? To be honest with you, all the reviews online freaks me out big time. Some people suffer allergy attack, some suffer withdrawal effect and some said their skin is worse than before. Why do these people sounded as if Facial Treatment Essence is like an acid anyway? Thanks to SK-II Malaysia last year, I was given the opportunity to undergo Magic Ring Skin Analysis. Not only I learnt about my skin real age and problems, I also braved myself and ask for a Facial Treatment Essence sample to try. I just needed to find out if I will develop any allergy from it. Well, the rest is history. I have purchase two bottles of Facial Treatment Essence since Magic Ring Skin Analysis.

SK-II Facial Treatment Essence 1
Facial Treatment Essence or “Miracle Water” as they’re widely known as is SK-II’s signature product. It is actually an essence but misunderstood by most people as a lotion/toner, I would say probably from the patting application on the TVC previously. The essence itself contain over 90% Pitera™, the miracle ingredient discovered over 30 years ago that remains essentially unchanged till today. Pitera is a naturally-derived liquid from the yeast fermentation process. The history goes all the way back to 1970s, when a scientist in Japan visited a Japanese saké brewery and noticed the elderly workers had wrinkled faces, but extraordinarily soft and youthful-looking hands. Then they realised these workers are constantly in contact with sake fermentation process thus the soft youthful hands.

Event GLAMGLOW® Review: Skin Care Skin Care - Anti-Ageing Skin Care - Firming Skin Care - Hydrating Skin Care - Masks Skin Care - Oil Control Skin Care - Pores Concern Skin Care - Wrinkle / Fine Lines

Hollywood’s backstage secret – GLAMGLOW Youthmud and GLAMGLOW Supermud changed the way I look at mud mask treatment altogether (Part 1)

You know how Hollywood celebrities get an instant camera ready skin in just 10-minutes? Well, I have no idea at all until I get to know GLAMGLOW upclose a few weeks ago when I spot the brand on shelf at Sephora KLCC. I also found out that all American Idol contestants and even Dancing With The Stars contestants is using GLAMGLOW mud mask treatment backstage before going on stage. You have no idea how huge GLAMGLOW is in the States. It’s a big thing there. Aren’t we glad that we can now get our hands on the highly raved GLAMGLOW here in Malaysia eh?

I’ve tried, tested and used all three GLAMGLOW Youthmud, GLAMGLOW Supermud and GLAMGLOW Brightmud for a good one month now. Let me warn you ahead that this review post is going to be picture heavy (because I need to show you how awesome it is) and words heavy. I’ll try to talk less so that it is easier for you. Just make yourself a cup of tea or coffee before you start reading on 🙂

GlamGlow 7
Oh and something unexpected happened. I was whisked to an exclusive media preview event just one month ago. I’ve actually booked myself three media event for that particular day and I was glad to make it for this GLAMGLOW preview event early morning. I didn’t realize that I’ll be meeting both the Co-Founders and CEO’s of GLAMGLOW. I’ve only seen their pictures on the product pamphlet and website so imagine my surprise when I get to meet Glenn and Shannon Dellimore face to face. I was like “hey, that’s Glenn and Shannon from GLAMGLOW website” 😀 . Website because I vividly remember about them after reading from GLAMGLOW website.

Nuxe Review: Skin Care Skin Care - Anti-Ageing

Review: Nuxe Nuxellence® Jeunesse Youth and Radiance Revealing Fluid, Re-charging Skin for Youthful and Radiance All In One Bottle

For the first second time in my life I’m pleasantly happy that my skin is in it’s bestest state ever. I still get breakout before menses but just one or two pimples. I think I can roughly pin point the products that contributed to my current skin but let me do a second trial run before I reveal to you :D. All I need to do now is (1) to maintain this skin as long as I can and (2) to further enhance the skin with radiance and youthfulness.

Having a good skin doesn’t mean you’ve hit the top mark in healthy skin. What’s the point in having a good skin that is dull and flat at the same time, right? I realized that I have a dull skin mainly because I didn’t implement any whitening or brightening skin care into my beauty regime at the moment. It’s about time that Nuxe Nuxellence® Jeunesse Youth and Radiance Revealing Fluid arrived at my front door 😀

Nuxe Nuxellence Jeunesse Youth and Radiance Revealing Fluid 1
This product was created and born after several years of research by NUXE laboratory where scientists identified three flower extracts that is able to repair Mitochondrial DNA. It is the 1st ever youth and radiance revealing fluid in the market to lastingly recharge skin with youth and radiance for all ages and women. I spoke briefly before that it is important that the skin is able to reset all cell counters to ZERO in order to boost the youthfulness process in epidermis. This process is call “recharging”. NUXE believes and sees the importance of cell recharging in order for the cells to function properly and to produce essential elements to the skin such as collagen, elastin, GAGs and many more.

Review: Skin Care Skin Care - Anti-Ageing Skin Care - Firming Skin Care - Hydrating Skin Care - Wrinkle / Fine Lines Talika

Review: Delay Signs of Ageing Using “Light Energy” With Talika Photo-Beauty Therapy® Anti-Ageing Line

I am a little lazy when it comes to anti-ageing thanks to my oily skin. Not sure if you are aware that people who have oily skin are commonly known to have no wrinkle if not lesser. I am too caught up with combating excessive oil secretion and lightening acne marks that I have neglected anti-ageing. It’s about time I started on anti-ageing…afterall I’m not young anymore 😛

Anti-ageing is more than just wrinkle on the face. When you age your skin will age too. The signs of ageing is quite common such as having fine lines, wrinkle, lost of collagen, lost of elasticity, lost of firming and lost of hydration. The question that I get people asking all the time is what age is the right age to start anti-ageing skin care regime. I believe one should start using anti-ageing products in the 20s. Please keep in your mind that starting anti-ageing products in the 20s is only damage prevention not damage reversal. You will then notice that you will need different product in your 20s, 30s, 40s and so on.

“Reversing the ageing process is an illusion, but slowing it down is a reality”