Warning: Picture heavy and long post ahead.
I know, I know. This is a super late post :P. I said I’ll post up the pictures last week on what went down at my very first brand collaboration event but I decided to put it on hold after my friend over at StriVectin saw my post about it in Facebook. Initially I plan to post up the pictures that I have from my camera as I refuse to disturb them on pictures. After the Facebook post, she recall that I have yet to get my hands on the pictures from her camera. Here’s a big thank you to Allyshea!
I know it has been some time since the event so allow me to refresh your mind just a little bit.
After having an intimate get-together session with a few of my closest reader back in January 2013, I have always been wanting to do a larger scale gathering with the concept of chit chat, test some products, beauty talk and many more. It’s sort of bringing what we’ve been doing online to offline. I briefly talk about my idea to StriVectin a week after that and the idea was soon forgotten as I was getting busier with work. The idea was brought up a few months after that by StriVectin and I rejected it due to various reason. And, brought up again. Put aside all the complicated story, I came up with the planning but shit do happen. We have all the time but soon we ran out of time also due to various backend reasons and so the event is scaled down to a smaller group. At that time and moment, I’m happy with just 10. I choose 8 readers in the end as I was screening the entries strictly and thoroughly to avoid having freeloaders. I hope everyone understand why I did what I did. StriVectin is a luxury cosmeceutical skin care brand. This would be their first event and also their first collaboration event with a beauty blogger therefore we all wanted genuine, excited readers that are interested with exploring new skin care brand as well as to errr meet me 🙂 instead of coming just to get door gift.

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