Event Reader's Engagement StriVectin

StriVectin X Street Love “A Purplish Affair” Tea Party Invitation

It is FINALLY here! Thanks to StriVectin Malaysia I am happy to invite TEN (10) of Street Love Readers to join me for a Sunday tea party! It is the first time that StriVectin is partnering with a blogger for an intimate tea party session so you, me and nine others will be amongst the FIRST to be in this tea party 🙂

Want to score an invitation? Read on to find out how.


Date: 9th June 2013, Sunday
Venue: StriVectin, Parkson KLCC
Time: Starts from 12noon
Dress Code: The best PURPLE dress/attire that you can find
Theme: Eye Care
(SD Eye Cream & TL Eye Serum)
* Refreshment will be provided.
* Door gift worth RM220 will be given at the end of tea party


There will be interesting activities for you to win StriVectin FULL SIZE product! Upload your “Best Dressed” picture to Instagram and hashtag #streetlove #strivectinMY, get your friends to Like your picture and the most Like will win a StriVectin TL Eye Serum FULL SIZE worth RM268!

That’s not all. There will be games and Q&A session to win StriVectin deluxe products and also special GWP just for the attendees. Let me tell you StriVectin is really generous this time with the GWP. I cannot disclose what it is yet but let’s just say you will never get this elsewhere 🙂

StriVectin is more suitable for 25 years old and above skin type and we will be focusing more on eye care – SD Eye Cream & TL Eye Serum. If you are eligible and interested to be in this tea party, leave me a comment with your eye area concern and why you want to join this tea party. Entry closed on 2nd June 2013.

Don’t forget to leave me your Name, Age and Email too!

I will choose all 10 attendees after the closing date 🙂


Comments (36)

  • I am squealing in delight here. Ok, here goes. My concerns are the deep line around my eyes, eye puffiness and fine lines that are starting to make its appearance. I hope I will be chosen to join this tea party.

    • You left out another question.

  • I forgot to leave my age. Do I submit it here, or email it to you? My name and email address is already in the details section.

    • You have to comment everything here as this post is monitored by StriVectin. The brand doesn’t have access to my email account so yes.

  • My concerns are the deep line around my eyes, eye puffiness, dark circles and fine lines that are starting to make its appearance. I hope I will be chosen to join this tea party. I would like to get to know more about Strivectin eye care products, and in the process, my concerns will be addressed. Thank you.

    Name: Angelina Ng
    Age: 30+
    Email: [email protected]

    • Ahhh! That’s it. Thanks

      • Thank you dear. I was too excited earlier. Lol. That’s why I missed out my age. Auntie liao. Sad-nya.

        • Sorry ya. Brand is premium so we are choosing very carefully 🙂

          • I keep my fingers crossed. Been wanting to try it but no chance. Super duper dislike the lines and more lines around my eye area. Zzz.

          • You will get to try and purchase (if you like it which I think you will) cause there’s darn good GWP offer just for the girls.

  • I really like to attend Strivectin and Eve Lom workshop but i stay in Pg so its not convenient to come over to KL

    • Awww that’s too bad. Perhaps the brands will engage other bloggers in the nearest future to organize one in Penang?

  • I want to join!!! Firstly, I am older than you but I want looks younger than you! Lol! Secondly, I read your review on StriVectin-TL 360 Tightening Eye Serum and it looks really promising. I mainly concern on fine lines around my eyes. Can’t wait to try out StriVectin eye care!

    *33* is my age.. / Ju Li / [email protected]

    • 33 is still young 😛

      • Aiyah! Near to 35 le..

        • With 2 kids….I think it’s okay 🙂

  • Very likely to purchase it because I’ve seen your before and after pics. The result is wonderful. I’ve been trying and using different eye care products but none seem to work (although I follow the way of application etc). Sigh. So yes, I really look forward to this tea party.

    • Not even ANR Eye that I told you to not buy 😛

      • That one is a goner since long time ago. Tak boleh pakai. Doesn’t work at all for me. I thought my way of application is wrong. I went to the counter and asked the BA to teach me how to apply it properly.

  • Thank u fiona for having this purple affair!!! <3
    Have always been interested to stri vectin!!!! Especially after reading fiona's review on the eye cream a while ago!!the effect was so nice!
    Finger crossed that I can go!!!
    My main concern is very prominent fine lines and morning eye puffiness and dark circles. Although my age is 25, I have been using anti aging eye cream for two years due to the more and more prominent fine lines.
    Age 25
    Email [email protected]

  • Name: Pui Moon
    Age: 29
    Email: [email protected]
    Eye area concern: When I hit 20s, my eyes begins to be puffy and eye bag started to build. I’m not sure if having big eyes have anything to do with that? Burning the midnight oil to study every night made the dark circle became more obvious. That time I had little concern on it but after graduation I became worry on my eyes area. Aging started to hit me (at 20s!) I guess…Tried many products but most have little use. During my pre-wedding photoshooting, the make up artist and the photograph questioned why my eyes were so puffy that it’s very hard to cover the imperfection. I was really down when I heard that. Even Photoshop also can’t make much difference to my puffy eyes. 🙁
    Why I want to join the party: For the obvious reason!! I want to know more about StriVectin and how StriVectin Eye Care products, SD Eye Cream & TL Eye Serum, can help me to address my concerns. I hope to get a tip or two also in caring for my eyes to restore their beauty. Attending this event would also introduce me to other readers who have the same concern, so we can gambatte together to combat the eye problems ya 😀

    p/s: Thanks Fiona and StriVectin for this tea party…I may or may not be chosen to attend, but at least from this and previous posts they trigger me to google up StriVectin 😛

  • Hi Fiona
    Would love to join this party because I am probably 10 or 12 yrs older than you. My lines are much prominent this recent years. I have dark circles that are quite visible. I have read your review on Strivectin TL 360 tightening eye serum and I must say that I can see impressive result on you. So I hope that I can have the chance to try out the product before buying the actual size.
    Name – Pauline tan
    Email – [email protected]
    Age 40

  • Yay party with the girls, I want!

    Eye area concern: I notice my eyes are losing it’s firmness and my eye bags are getting bigger since I stepped into 30s. I want to rescue them from dropping and look like 20s again.

    Why I want to join this tea party? I want to explore more about Strivectin because all the while I just know about their famous stretch mark cream, I am a newbie to Strivectin skin care. 😉

    Name: Rane
    Age: 32 (4 more months to my 33rd birthday hehe)
    Email: waiyee.chin(at)gmail.com

  • Hi I would love to attend the StriVectin party because this is my opportunity to really express my concern regarding my area to the experts from StriVectin. I have been suffering from severe dark eye circles for quite some time, it is just a bit hard for me to find a perfect product to diminish my dark eye circles. On top of that, I am developing crow feet around my eyes as well. Everyone thinks I am tired just because of the way my eye look. I would like to look good without any makeup on and I believe at StriVectin party Iwill be able to find my solution 🙂

    Name : Vinnilaa
    Age : 33
    Email : [email protected]

  • Hi Fiona Hi StriVectin,

    Thanks for the post first of all.

    I was OK with my skin until recently I found fine lines and wrinkles around my eyes. We love travel and my hubby likes to take my portraits. However, this eyes aging concern makes me pause my BIG SMILE when taking photos to avoid too many lines and crow feet on my face! (OMG~) I never tried any eye cream / eye skincare as I just realizing this skin problem since my trip to East Coast last month. I can hardly find a photo of mine without any fine lines especially around my eye. (wuwuwuuuu…)

    I am ready with a piece of gorgeous purple dress 🙂 BTW, i will review StriVectin and blog about the StriVectin party in Chinese (I am a Chinese blogger). Hope that it helps to broadcast “StriVectin” among my readers / Chinese web hoppers. If you think I am the right person, please choose me!

    Name: Lulu
    Age: 29
    Email: [email protected]

  • my concern is fine lines and puffiness eye
    i want to join because want to try something which is new for me
    Name : Tiffany Tai
    Age 29
    Email: [email protected]

  • Ah I have panda eyes for the longest time and got once a guy asked me why I applied eye shadow all around my eyes, feel so hurt so it is true that the first thing that a person look is your eyes!

    And now as I AGED (sounds so old fine lines started to appear and with my never fading dark eyes circle…so I guess not to make all this worst, better invite me to your party! Concealer is great but its not a treatment and I want to hear your testimony & examine your eyes lines closely (if there is any) at the party!

    Name : Jess
    Age : 30
    Email : jessying @gmail.com

    • Come I show you my eyes later hahahaha 😛

      • Blink blink pls. hahaha but dont transfer electricity okay 😀

  • I am concern on my eye aging with tiredness, puffiness, fine lines and firmess. Our eyes reflect our youthfulness and I want to maintain it well so I would like to join your party to find out more about SD eye cream and TL eye serum and how it can help my eyes concerns.
    Name: Ong Mei Leng
    Age: 40+
    Email: [email protected]

  • Hi Fiona, thanks for this tea party invitation. I’d like to join this wonderful event so that I can have an upclose and personal beauty knowledge sharing from the StriVectin experts on the products particularly the eye serum and cream. I feel that the expression “Eyes are the window to the soul” would resonate with the tea party 🙂 Without even having any dialogue with a person, you can look into the eyes and decipher the nature of the soul. So I hope that my “window” will always be clear from fine lines and wrinkles 🙂

    Also, it would be a great opportunity to meet up with the rest of the avid readers of your blog. It’ll be a lovely afternoon and we can all see eye to eye (pun intended). So eye wish I will be provided with an opportunity to join this tea party.

    Thank you Fiona and StriVectin for organizing this great event.

    Name: Jennifer
    Age: 32
    Email: [email protected]

  • Would love to attend this lovely get together event and learn more about StriVectin. Age is slowly catching up with me and I am always on the look out for skincare products that will allow me to age gracefully 🙂

    Name : Jenny
    Email : [email protected]
    Age : 39

    Thanks Fiona 🙂

  • I would love to join this tea party for the great company and to learn about StriVectin and their miracle products.
    I definitely need help reducing the crow’s feet around my eyes and dark circles that is super obvious when I sleep late.

    Name: Tiffany
    Age: 33
    Email: [email protected]

  • late jor huhuhu :'( oh no don’t leave behind i wan to submit terMISS out

    why i want to join? this kelian punya Sunshine Kelly everyday also lack of sleep because she trying to clear the never ending backlogs so her eyes like panda already lor. So how temporary she is using concealer to hide away. Not only panda eyes now fine lines start to show check my age la not young anymore. Last time not like that one huhuhu, now i so sad dy. I want to try StriVectin SD Eye Cream @_@

    Name: Kelly Chin
    Age: 37
    Email: [email protected]

  • opppsss forgot to let you know why I want to join this tea party. i know i am late jor but i wan to support my Fiona and all her hard work that she put in every post. plus meet up with other friends too…. all girls love tea party, beauty products and i have purple dress ok eee….

    • Awww thanks Kelly :). You know I would always love to have you and the rest of the gang anytime. This time the attendees are chosen by StriVectin. Next round we do one high tea session for beauty swap hihihihihi


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