Info Make Up Tips & Tutorial Tips

Life Hack: Drying Makeup Brushes with Towel Rail & Hair Ties

There has been numerous life hack ideas on how you can clean or even dry your makeup brushes at home at your convenience. I happen to be someone that slide on a Brush Guard sleeve on each brushes, tilt it upside down and put the brushes in a glass. It’s the same method that I’ve been practising and posted in this Tips: How to Clean Your Dirty Brush since early 2012.

Recently I stumbled upon a brilliant method from Instagram, which unfortunately I’ve forgotten who it was from and my Instagram has gone wonky as I was typing this so I’m unable to link her here but I will once I can access to Instagram but I finally found her after a full day of searching in Instagram like a headless chicken and I found her through other people who share her method. Girl, your method is my favourite!

Brush Drying With Towel Rail & Hair Ties

The method I saw was to use bobbles aka hair ties (the 1st and 2nd hair ties you saw from the left) to secure the brushes upside down on a towel rail. Now my towel rail is in the bathroom which is a damp section in the house so I wouldn’t want my brushes to spoil AND coincidentally I have a brand new towel rail that I bought moons ago from 100 Yen store. I also have a handful of bobbles at home but I couldn’t find them anymore after I shift the things around in my room. I managed to find two bobbles from my wallet LOL and I used elastic hair ties for the rest of the smaller brushes. It works the same but the only difference is I cannot move the brushes easily since elastic hair ties is non slippery once in contact with plastic. That means I will be buying more bobbles later 😀

The original idea creator did not use any Brush Guard and I changed that too. I’ve included Brush Guard sleeve to the brushes to maintain it’s shape. I just don’t like fluffy bristles after the wash.

Hope you like this quick and easy life hack sharing for today. I wasn’t planning to put up any blog post today but I thought you would want to know this idea too.

Now it’s your turn to share with me how you dry your brushes. I know some of you will talk about using sticky tack on the inner shelf top LOL. So besides that method, what else? 😀


Comments (12)

  • Oh, I think I saw this on Pinterest before too! Thought it was genius!

    • Yes, it’s everywhere 🙂 . Once someone start to share, it will go viral 😀

    • No not her. And I saw from Instagram actually. But then it’s a method a lot used 🙂

  • A life-changing tip! Truly.
    @beautysbadhabit is brilliant.

    Too bad it came after I was gifted a Dry & Shape but I’ll use that as a travel roll now.

    • Brush drying using this method is even better. My brushes is good to be used in less than half a day. Never say no to a gift haha. But then for small wash you can use Dry & Shape. I usually wash all my brushes at one go and my glasses no longer fit so many brushes lol. Next I will DIY a brush tree 😀

  • I love it when you share with us tips you picked up^^ Good job in locating the girl on IG^^ I shall try this method soon!!!!

    • Locating the girl is not easy especially when Instagram was down at that time. Took me a whole day of random hashtag browsing 😀 . Do try and let me know ya

  • Economical, practical, easy! Thanks for sharing. When I saw snippets of this through the blog feeder mail, it made my heart skipped because for the longest time, I’ve been wondering if there’s a more economical and elegant way to dry my brushes. Granted they’re not the most expensive brushes but they’ve served me well. I didn’t want to splurge on expensive brush holders too. Thanks Fiona. You really bring sunshine and unicorn and everything nice into my makeup world. PS: I love the way your blog displays on mobile setting. Kudos girl! Such eye candy 🙂

    • Thanks dear. I love to learn from others on various methods on everything. It’s a method that many practises but I only saw it the other day from a girl thus the credit goes to her! Brushes doesn’t need to be expensive. As long as it does it’s job for you then I don’t see why you can’t use cheaper brush 😀 Psst. I use ELF too haha. Next is to DIY a brush tree. It will be a cheaper version than the original brush tree 😉
      Glad you like the mobile view. I’m gonna upgrade it to premium so that I can upload bigger logo 😀

      • Yes, I applaud your determination to track down the girl and give rightful credit to her. Thank you Fiona. You are such an inspiration for your honesty, effort and commitment. You truly shine 🙂 Haha, I am glad to read how you enhanced the original idea and made it more practical. Yay to not so high end brushes, agree with you, as long as it does its job. Just like a locally made car to get us from point A to point B. Haha, of course, I don’t mind getting stuck in the traffic in a more comfortable car 😛 Okie, that was quite an analogy. Looking forward to your next brush tree project.

        These days, I do not have the luxury of reading daily blog posts because of internet quota and what not. That is a long story. In any case, it is harder to view on mobile because I like to read from laptop actually. It is ok, your blog on mobile view is great and I love the look and feel of it.

        • Awww thanks dear. You always know how to cheer me up. I’ve seen too many who learnt from other people and takes all the credit to herself when being complimented. I told myself I will not be that person. I love your analogy. You are absolutely right. For example, I need a few foundation brush to rotate so I couldn’t be buying all Sigma F80 right? It’s so costly to do so plus a variety is always good so we will know which is good and which is bad.

          I actually like to read from the computer too. I like to see larger and clearer photos. Phone viewing is just emergency. My iPhone battery lifespan is dying soon so gotta limit long browsing as well.


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