Unicorn, holo, rainbow, iridescent. These are what beauty enthusiasts are obsessed with from the recent trend. I think the key word is unique. Anything that is not the ordinary sells like hot cake. Then came the obsession with anything unicorn. And the Unicorn Brushes were launch and people go nuts!
The original Unicorn Brushes are not cheap and it is based on pre-order. Is there even such thing as the “original”? I don’t know. It’s the first to launch, it has better aesthetic look to it such as iridescent handle, evenly-made unicorn rainbow bristles and a unicorn brush pouch. I didn’t jump onto the unicorn brush bandwagon the minute it was out. I learnt through all the years of being a beauty enthusiast that some things are best to wait. And I was right this time. Unicorn Brushes are sold at RM90 per set of 5 or 10 on average, depending on the seller. Thanks to some shopping vouchers I obtained from some event, I had to browse through an online shopping portal that I discovered Unicorn Brushes selling for just RM11 per set of 5 or add RM4 to upgrade to a set of 10. But of course all the 10 pieces were sold out and I had to settle with a 5-piece set. I bought two different 5-piece set as I had to maximize my shipping fee. I got them weeks later and I hated them. Then I browse through the site again only to discovered the same seller changed the price to RM11 for a set of 10 pieces. This time I was determined to get another set but in plain white bristles. I got them weeks later again as seller informed me that it was sold out. When I got them, I was so happy with it. The plain white bristles with pastel purple handles are way better looking than the colorful bristles. Here are 5 Things You Need to Know About Unicorn Brushes.
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