Something about me. I’m not that proactive in event. The reality is, all of the product launch event comes with a mini game or activity to spice up the overall agenda. You know, the kind of activity that gets your brain moving after a dull day at work. However, I’m not into such activity. Not because the organizers did a bad job in this matter but when I go to event, I’m getting away from the work so I want to just relax, mingle with my fellow friends, laugh, feel the product, learn about the product and go home happily. I don’t wanna crack my brain at all. Not even a bit!
So when it’s ‘game’ time, I usually slide down the chair so that I’m half hidden underneath the crowd. Let’s face it. I’m not creative if you ask me to create something middle of the day and I’m usually the unlucky one when it comes to contest. I attended the Dr. Brandt Do Not Age blogger event a few months ago and when it’s game time, I cringed. But when I found out that the game is crossword puzzle, for some odd reason I suddenly woke up from feeling miserable and all hyped up. Even I surprised myself. THIS, I’m interested! Long story cut short, the fastest person to finish the crossword puzzle get to win a full size bottle of Do Not Age with Dr. Brandt Transforming Pearl Serum worth RM499 and I won it. It’s not easy at all since the paper that was given to us was merely a A6 size (quarter of A4 paper) and the words are so small that one can go blind staring it. Again for some very odd reason, the words just popped out in front of my eyes.

Initially I didn’t want to review this serum because as you know, it’s very hard for me to gauge whether anti-aging product works on me due to the fact that I don’t have visible signs of aging. I was looking at the outer box for a while now, trying to make sense of what it claimed to do against the hefty price tag. I thought I might as well do a review on it before I ran out.
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