Something interesting I learnt and agreed 100% at the media launch of REN Evercalm™ Ultra Comforting Rescue Mask during a casual chat before the event was that most people think they have sensitive skin. Ask any of your friend what is their skin type and I bet you 9 out of 10 of them will said “sensitive skin”. In fact, ask all your friend. I find this fact to be so true because all my friends told me they had sensitive skin. That got me thinking; is there really so many people with sensitive skin??
The answer is NO. They have mistaken over-reacting skin as sensitive skin. When your skin turns red, it does not mean you have sensitive skin or your “sensitive skin” flares up. No. Skin turning red is pretty common especially when we live in such a hot and humid country. Over-reacting skin are caused by physical, environmental and lifestyle factors that can affect any skin from time to time. Untreated can lead to the actual skin sensitivity. But how do you tone down symptoms that resemble sensitive skin? Simple. With this 10-minutes REN Evercalm™ Ultra Comforting Rescue Mask!
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