Who here like to oil themselves up before bed time? I am a hardcore in bed time routine that I oiled myself up from top to bottom before I sleep with body oil body cream, hand cream, foot cream, face oil, face cream, neck cream, and everything else lol. I know, you must be wondering how do I sleep and how dirty my bed sheets are, eh? I’ve been on the beauty oil aka face oil bandwagon on and off for the past few years. Ever since I was told I need to apply beauty oil ON my oily skin, it has been life changing. Who would have thought applying beauty oil on oily skin can balance the skin’s water and oil level?
To date, I have gone through several bottles of beauty oil from different brands. Some was good while some doesn’t impress me that I took longer to go through them. Typically I do not apply beauty oil on day time under the makeup for fear it will make my makeup “float” on top of the skin as the day goes by. However, this Trilogy No. 15 Limited Edition Beauty Oil is a different story. It is the first beauty oil I’ve used that is not oily and I’m able to have it under my makeup. Everyone is talking about the beauty oil sale at TNS Skin Lab because all of them are on 20% OFF and it is really cheap for a beauty oil. So I thought I would tell you about this Trilogy No. 15 Limited Edition Beauty Oil before the sale ended.
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